5 Best Plant-Based Documentaries Must-See

I would like to share with you my 5 best plant-based documentaries that must-see. They helped me to transition into plant based-diet.

Eight years ago I stopped consuming meat. I never thought I would do it. I remember one time I was in the kitchen and my mom was cooking fried chicken wings. While she was cooking I keep thinking about how it would be really difficult for me to be vegetarian ever. But who would even know that in  2 years I would start a new journey? 

Introduction into plant-based food

I remember one day my friend asked me if I ever was considering changing my diet and how beneficial it is for my body. At that time I thought my diet is fine lol. 

So one day my friend told me you come to my place and while I cook some vegan food, you will watch documentaries about a plant-based diet. While I was watching I was actually shocked at how little I knew about nutrition. I only knew to avoid white bread, sugar, and too much fried food. But I didn’t know why and how it affecting the body. And I definitely didn’t know about the effects of dairy and meat products on our bodies.

I used to think that vegetables are just a side dish they are not a full meal.  I’m coming from a country where winter is 6 months.  We eat a lot of dairy and meat products with starch vegetables. For me, salads were just tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and radish only when it was the season. But mostly starch and a lot of fish and meat here and there.

Since that time…

That night at my friend’s house I watched 2 documentaries Food Matters and Forks over Knives.  Those two movies were the catalysts in my diet. After watching them I started to do my own research. Eventually, I started to cook my own food. Introducing more greens in my diet, salads, and juices. I used to check different recipes or eat outside and I would try to imitate it at home. 


In 2014 I got introduced to E-motion. The movie talks about a connection between the environment that we are in and how we respond to it on an emotional level.  Have you noticed when we are emotional we can consume more food than our body needs or consume junk food? most of the time we do this to comfort ourselves. One part of the movie talks about the colors and the food. For example, the fruits and vegetables have such a great radiance of color that just looking at them your mood changes. So you can imagine what’s happening to your body when you consume those fruits and vegetables daily.

There are a lot of documentaries about food and nutrition. I try to watch more often since your perspective changes or sometimes you can forget about certain things and those movies can remind you about them. Also, it can motivate you if you are not consistent with your diet.

The Game Changer

One of the recent documentaries that I watched is  The Game Changer.

A very interesting and informative documentary about elite athletes who practice a plant-based diet.

I’m a mover. I love physical activities and sometimes people asked me where do I get my protein. How do you recover after so much physical activity? Well, vegetables and fruits, and seeds are a great source of nutrients. This movie explains it very well.


The last documentary that I watched was Fasting. I’ve been introduced to fasting practice since I became plant-based. I’m still learning about it. It’s an amazing healing practice. This documentary talks about different types of fasting. It’s very informative with a lot of true testimonials.


To sum up, I would always recommend doing your own research on what works best for you. Those documentaries helped me personally to transition my diet and also a good reminder of why I stopped animal products. 


**Disclaimer: This post contains my personal opinion and experience. The content is not an official statement. For more information please contact a professional expert to assist you. 

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