
Divine Feminine Energy

Every month we have at least one Full Moon and one New Moon. Connecting with the Moon is very important for men and women. Since we both carry Moon and Sun in us. Females carry it more because it presents feminine energy. Each tradition has its own relationship with the Moon. Today is a Full Moon in Aries.  The time to put intentions and let go of things and connect with divine feminine energy.

Living in a big city is very easy for females to forget the feminine energy and be more muscular. There is nothing bad in male energy but for females, we have to be mindful about our predominant energy. It’s important to find the balance. 

What is imbalanced female energy?

It is goal-oriented, business-oriented, money orientated,  less creative, less connecting with nature, irritation, anger, less empathetic. In those cases, the best reminder for us is the Moon, as we always see her every time we go to sleep. She always reminds us to connect with her. To connect with us with our feminine side.

What are the methods to connect with the  Full Moon?
  • Cleaning the space by swiping and mopping the floor and then energetically cleaning it with sage and other resins.
  • Doing laundry and having clean sheets. Makes it even more exciting knowing that you going to sleep in a completely fresh bed.
  • Get rid of things that don’t serve you.
  • Buying flowers and arranging the altar or a small space that you can burn a candle and meditate or pray.
  • Writing affirmations and making notes in your diary.
  • Sipping on soothing herbal teas
  • Take a walk to nature, the forest, ocean. If you are living in the city play some nature sounds in the house.
To Conclude

Sometimes we know all this information about the Moon but we skip it due to busy schedules, destruction, or just simply saying next time. Most of the time we would acknowledge the moon in our mind but not actually physically creating an alter or just a small ceremony. All those things help you to connect not only with nature but with yourself. In a busy environment such as big cities or towns, it is necessary to take a time off to nourish yourself and go back to your roots.

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