Meditation space

Minimalist Meditation Space

Minimalist meditation space by decluttering your meditation/spiritual space.

This section in our house like many others can be very challenging when it comes to creating a minimalist meditation space. Since there are so many things we think we want to keep. Like books, notes, journals, cards, pictures, incense, candles, statues, and so many more.


But one thing I notice is when I meditate in a space I feel more clear energetically around and inside. Also, the space around me should be spacious/free. For example, if I meditate on the floor between the furniture I energetically feel, even with my closed eyes, the objects around me. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t have a bed in my room. Living in NYC we all know how small are the apartments here.  You can be very lucky and get a big room but most of the time it’s either a small or medium-size room with all your furniture.

A Big Decision

I remember any time I would be in a place/studio without the furniture and practice yoga or meditation my body feels very free and focused. That’s one of the reasons why I started unbuilding my desk, then bed. It took me a while to decide. But at the same time, I wanted to have more space since I’m a mover. We have to let something go to receive something back.

Also, I realized that I’m using my bed only 7-8 hours per day the other time it just resting. I only use the mattress when I need to sleep. Then the whole space is free. In addition, I noticed your space becomes more organized and clean. For example, we usually store some things under the bed, and I was one of those people. It would be always dusty under it. So now I don’t have this issue, because I don’t have anything on the floor that can accumulate dust and clutter. And it’s very easy to clean and keep organized.

Less Clutter

My next step was to make less clutter on my altar. For example, crystals, candles, incents, statues, and other things. Talking about crystals. I used to have a lot of small ones. So one day I just decided to be honest with myself about which chrystals interact more. And I found that I only have 7 of them. So the rest I let go to nature like forests, parks or water like rivers, lakes, the ocean. Keep it clean and organized, and of course less clutter.

If you think about we don’t need a lot of things in our meditation spaces. Fewer things more space for the mind. The meditation is happening only between you and yourself. The rest is additional, to assist you in that. But if space is overloaded with additional things then You might only rely on things but not on yourself.


I do believe the meditation place should be spacious, clean, and smell good. That’s why when it comes to smell it is good to have natural smells that can help to clean the space energetically and prepare you to get into a meditation state.

To conclude, once I looked at my picture where I was sitting on the edge of the cliff and this is how I want to feel in my space at home every time I meditate, free and grounded.

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