Rituals Before Bleep

Every night we go to sleep is a new chapter. How do you transition into a dream time? How do you make your body quiet? What is your ceremony, your ways, your procedure, your method, your ritual before sleep?

We are gifted with  5 senses in our body: touch, listen, see, taste, and smell. Those senses help us to receive the outside world in a balanced way. Since we are dealing with the outside world, a lot of times we observe negative energy or being overstimulated unconsciously. And the best way to balance it is to refresh it every time before we go to sleep. Since a new day is new energy.

I would like to share my way of balancing and reenergizing my five senses before going to sleep.

Plan your next day the night before

Since you have a schedule in advance you don’t have to think about what to do when you wake up. You just focus on your morning ritual and ready to start your day.

Turn off Electronics and Social Media

I usually try to go to sleep at around 11:30 pm due to my schedule. Two hours in advance I try to stay away from my phone and social media. If I have to work late I make sure I had at least 30 min no phone. Since we take on energies it is very easy to distract the body and mind from peace.

Have your last meal early

Secondly, I try to not go to sleep for at least 2 hours after my last meal. If you ate,  your body still will work on digesting food. So give it a few hours to digest. Also in the evening try to stay away from too much cooked, heavy or raw food. During the evening time your body slows down and digestion is less powerful than during the day. It is proven scientifically that undigested food during the night can accumulate fat, gas, promote insomnia, fatigue the next day.

Have a nice herbal tea

Personally, I prefer herbal teas before bed, which can help you to relax the mind and body. If I’m hungry I usually have figs or dates with my teas. One of my other night treats is Golden milk with ashwagandha. Very soothing and rich.

Play soft music

I usually play nature sounds or meditation music. But most of the time

Diffuser or burning resins

I prefer a diffuser with essential oils or burn some resins. I try to stay away from harsh smells since I’m very sensitive. One of my favorite essential oils is Balance and Patchouli.  I use Palo Santo or Sage too to clean the space energetically.

Mindful Shower or Bath

mindful shower or bath is very important not only to clean the body physically but also energetically. Since we observe a lot of energies during the day.  Taking a bath with herbs, essential oils and salts are very beneficial for your body and mind.

Massage your body

Interestingly, a lot of tension in our bodies accumulates most of the time due to unexpressed emotions. It’s really important to give yourself a self-body massage, also shiatsu massage, or an acupressure massage. I usually use natural body oils to help my body to be soft and nourished but it’s also very important the oils have the property to relax the body.

Dress in soft and clean clothes

The colors of sleeping clothes play a very important role too. Since it’s both touch and seeing censors.


Journaling helps me to innerstand and brainstorm on things that happened during the day. Also, it’s one of the ways to release energy.


Meditation really helps me to observe my “monkey mind”. I also noticed if I don’t do it often it’s really hard to come back and do it again. Sitting in stillness and observing your mind, yourself sometimes can be not easy or even pretty. But it is a very helpful skill to have. You become less reactive to certain things in life, more focused, peaceful, and observant not only outside but yourself.  Personally, I think meditation is helping to know ourselves on a deeper level. I usually meditate for 15 min with Golden Intornation.

Those are my small habits that help my body and mind to be relaxed, calm, soft, rejuvenated, and balanced before I enter the Dream World! 🙂  


Disclaimer: This post contains my personal opinion and experience. The content is not an official statement. For more information please contact a professional expert to assist you. 

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