Teas For Female Health

The female body is gifted with both male and female sex hormones. Diet plays a very crucial role in the female body in order to keep the hormones in balance. By diet, it means not only food but also what do you drink. And today I would like to talk about teas for female health not only delicious but also are very good for female hormones.

What is a hormone?

The hormone is a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.

Why are they so important?

They help our body to function properly, for instance, hunger, blood pressure, and sexual desire. Hormones are essential to reproduction, but they are crucial to all the systems of your body.

Female Hormones

The female body has two main hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Even though testosterone is mostly produced in males’ bodies, females also have and need some of its amounts too.


Estrogen is one of the most important female hormones. Most of it produced in the ovaries, but also in the adrenal glands and fat cells. Estrogen plays a big role in reproductive and sexual development, including:

  • puberty
  • menstruation
  • pregnancy
  • menopause

Estrogen also affects the:

  • heart
  • liver
  • bones
  • skin
  • brain
  • breast
  • ovary
  • uterus


Progesterone is produced mainly in the ovaries. It’s a crucial part of the menstrual cycle and maintenance of pregnancy. Progesterone helps to regulate the cycle. But its main job is to get the uterus ready for pregnancy

The role of progesterone is to:

  • boosts thyroid function
  • has anti-inflammatory effects
  • regulates body fat and uses it for energy
  • prepare the lining of the uterus for a fertilized egg
  • support pregnancy
  • suppress estrogen production after ovulation

** Disclaimer: This post contains my personal opinion and experience. The content is not an official statement. Consult with your healthcare provider before beginning herbal supplements

Each tea has a whole list of benefits behind it. But some teas are especially good for female organs and hormones.

Raspberry Leaf Tea

For centuries this plant was well known as a great supporter of female health. It contains fragarine, which plays a key role in toning the uterus and other pelvic muscles. Fragarine helps uterine muscles to contract smoothly, reducing cramping during menstruation while also decreases heavy menstrual bleeding.

Moreover, Raspberry Leaf Tea is a great relaxing tea which you can read about it more here

Chaste-Berry Tea (Vitex)

This fruit — as well as other parts of the plant — is typically used as an herbal remedy to treat a variety of ailments. This plant is a great female hormones supporter including estrogen and progesterone. One of the most popular attributes of Chaste-Berry Tea is its ability to soothe symptoms of PMS. Additionally,  Vitex is used to treat symptoms of menopause, infertility issues, other conditions affecting a woman’s reproductive system.

Red Clover

Red clover is a dark-pink plant originating from Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Has a very sweet and earthy taste. Its widely used in many traditions, especially in medicine because of its healing properties. To name a few, red clover treats heart diseases, osteoporosis, arthritis, respiratory, and skin problems. Moreover, the herb treats women’s health issues, such as menstrual and menopausal symptoms.

Milk Thistle

Traditionally  Milk Thistle has been used to treat liver and gallbladder disorders, promote breast milk production, prevent and treat cancer. Milk thistle is very rich in antioxidants, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, the liver corresponds to the sexual drive in our body. The herb is great to support our hormonal health since the liver detoxifying any excess hormones that we can accumulate in our body.


This plant same as Milk Thistle is very well known to support the function of our liver. When the body has too many excess hormones, the liver and gut have to detox and eliminate them from our body. That’s why it’s good to have dandelion or milk thistle to help the detoxification process. This herb may help to prevent constipation, which is an important step in clearing hormones from the body. Dandelion also, treats digestion issues,  (helping to keep things moving, nutrient absorption), blood sugar,  skin, and gut problems. 


Hibiscus also contains phytoestrogen, plant-based compounds that are similar to the human estrogen hormone. The flower of the hibiscus is a blood building and high in Vitamin C which helps support natural iron and progesterone levels.

Women who have symptoms of anemia, low progesterone, immune issues, or high blood pressure can also benefit from drinking the tea daily.

To Sum Up

To conclude, it is very important to keep our health balanced. And mother nature gifted us with so many plants that can maintain our body, mind, and soul. We should not forget that we are made from the same elements as other beings on this earth.

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