Do we really need so many things in our life?

minimalism ideas for your life

Have you ever looked at your space and felt like you want to through everything away. But then when it comes to action you feel very emotional to do it. Well, I often have this thought in my head “Do we really need so many things in our life?”.  I’ve been practicing minimalism for 4 months. It’s still not perfect but I’m taking it slow.  Sometimes I still keep some clothes that I feel I am not ready to let go of.

For how long do you keep things?!

For example, some clothes don’t stay for a long period of time.  Eventually, when I looked at them or try them on I felt that I was not really connected with them almost felt uncomfortable wearing them outside. What I noticed is when you look at clothes for example inside of your space it’s very easy to be attached to them. But then when you are in a public there is something off. So for me, it’s a sign that I have to let go of these clothes.

The process of letting go

For the past 4 months of me practicing minimalism style, I noticed that now it’s affecting me on an emotional level. So now anytime I go to the store to buy something only if I need it.  But not for one-time use or because it’s just beautiful. I try to detach myself from it emotionally. And if I see something that I like by asking myself do you really need it at this moment. I try to appreciate the beauty at the moment without owning it. Moreover, I always have this thought in me “Do we really need so many things in our life?”

Holidays/Presents season

During the holiday season, you want to buy things for the year because they have big discounts. I do think it’s great to buy quality things but not quantity or run after the trend.  Of course, it sounds appealing to save maybe 100$ during Black Friday on technology but if it’s still working you can use it. You can invest things in travel or education.

When it comes to presents I personally prefer to give DIY presents for example lotion bars, a mix of teas, spices. My option for presents would be something that the other person can use daily.


I feel like a lot of time we forget to be practical when it comes to technology for example. We want to have everything brand new but if the product is still in use why not keep it until it’s gonna wear out and then invest in something else. Society is built to make us buy new things because both the market and the humans have the demand. Until humans will understand that they don’t need to possess so much in their lives like clothes, things, food then the production is going to be less.


I personally believe the things that we own to represent us.  When we owe many things sometimes it’s hard to time to keep the track of them or even share our energy with them. Anytime we use them we can’t really create a bond or connection and then we are looking for something new. And if you think of this it actually represents our relationship to everything. All external things are the reflection of our internal world. The way we treat things the same as we treat other beings. We are living in the world of running after something brand new because it excites us but did we really create the bridge with the things that we have at this present moment?!


Why is it so hard to let go? I personally came to different reasons behind that

  1. connected with the past
  2. feeling emotional and buying things to comfort you at that moment
  3. comparing yourself with others. The ego of possessing something
  4. “I spent so much money on that I will not just give it away.”


Anytime you feel emotional and you want to buy something ask yourself do you really need this at this moment in your life if you won’t be emotional. Most of the time you would say “no.

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